Optimize your Blogger post titles for better SEO today!


Blogger is a popular blogging platform which provides a decent service for bloggers for free. But unfortunately it lacks many important things when it comes to SEO. Unlike in Wordpress, the blogger platform seems not much focusing on SEO. Hence this article is explaining you how to optimize your blog post titles to attract more visitors through search engines.

Maybe blogger is SEO friendly or not, but we all love using it because it is very easy manage your blog even you are a new to blogging.

Luckily, we have our own ways to make our blogs optimized for search engines. Let’s see how J

What’s missing?

If you are a serious blogger, you may have already noticed that blogger article titles are not very SEO friendly.

If you have not seen it yet, just open your blog and look at the title bar.

Yes, you are right. It first shows the name of your blog, then the title.

Ex: Your Blog Name | The title of your article with some valuable keywords.

The title is very important since it gives the whole idea of your article. So the visitor should notice it first.

After this little trick, you will have a blog with nicely optimized titles  J

Like this…..

Ex: The title of your article with some valuable keywords | Your Blog Name

How to do it?

It is really simple.

Log in to your blogger account.
Select ‘template’ from the menu in the sidebar to the left.

Then click on Edit HTML.

Remember, you should always keep in mind to get a backup of your original template before attempting to do any changes. It will help you to get rid of any disasters that can happen if you make any mistake in your Template.

If you do not know how to take backups, read this post. Click Here! I have explained it in details and with snapshots.

Now search for this tag: 


(Click inside the codes box, and press ‘Ctrl + F’, then type “<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>”without quotes and press enter.)

Then replace the above line with below code.

<b:ifcond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> |<data:blog.title/></title>

That’s it. Save the template.

Now you should see your new optimized titles J